Friday, September 4, 2009

The Black Hole in Homes

The idea of a black hole or mysterious vacuum in the home is not new. We all wonder where the matching sock is and how it if two went into the washer how come only one comes out of the dryer - I mean really, where is it?

I have a new item that seems to disappear yearly - rulers. Ever since my kids started school, we would make our annual trek to the store to stock up on school supplies. Each year I would buy a ruler. Somewhere, somehow these disappear into oblivion.
"Mom, I need a ruler for school"
"I bought you one last year, where is it?"
"I don't know"

By my calculations I have had this exact conversation every September for 11 years. I should have bought them in bulk when they were in first grade and rationed them out. A nice thought, but in reality I know they too would be sucked into the black hole. "Where's that box of rulers?"