Monday, March 23, 2009

The Mystery Tour

Spring Break is now over for us and appropriately the beautiful sunshine we experienced all week is giving way to clouds and wind. A good day to sit inside and catch up.

During Spring Break our kids participated in a "Mystery Tour" with our church youth group. They signed up, packed and prepared for a trip to ?????? They had no idea where they were going! Friends would ask what are you doing on Spring Break. They would respond "I don't know" because they didn't know. So at 6:30 a.m., last Wednesday, they boarded vans on faith that this "Mystery Tour" would be worth it. They trusted us as we instructed them what to pack and how much money to bring; they began the journey not knowing where they would end up. The destination revelation, after MANY hours of driving, was Disney World!

I couldn't help but realize that this trip was not only a true adventure at the "Happiest Place on Earth", but it was also an exercise in stepping out in faith. They had to trust their youth leader that the destination would be worth it. They had to trust us that we adequately prepared them in what to bring. The only way they could experience the fullness of the mystery was to board the van and commit.

It is in that thought, that I realize that God has laid before us a great "mystery tour" in life. We often don't know where we are headed, but we must trust the one who has prepared the way for us and tells us that it is worth it. We can't experience it, unless we commit. It can be scary, nerve wracking and sometimes the journey feels like it will never end, but when we arrive at the place God desires for us we realize it was worth it all!