Sunday, November 23, 2008


Even though Homecoming for Clear Lake was a few weeks ago,,,,,,and even though Clear Lake sadly lost their playoff game on Friday, it is still fun to look at Homecoming Texas style. Yes, this California native has never been to a football game this jammed packed. As I told my kids, when I was in high school we had to have our football games during the day for "safety". They say I went to high school in the "hood", I disagree. But I digress...... Clear Lake football did it right. Fans were spilling into the aisles - current students and alumni. The band, drill team and cheer leading squads were Texas-sized and of course we were surrounded by students wearing mums - it was a night to remember.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Reasons Why I Hate Computers (a continuing series)

Disclaimer: After reading this please do not email me about why I should buy a Mac. Yes, I know I would avoid all these headaches. But I also know all our computers are already PC's and Mac's are more expensive. So........

I hate Spy ware! Who has time to create these insidious computer invaders that wreak havoc on innocent people such as me? After about a month of our kids complaining about their computer running slow, receiving endless pop-ups and the computer freezing, I decided to look at the computer and find out what they were doing wrong. Then I ran into the problems myself. My home page when I logged on was always changing and I knew something was seriously wrong.

I ran all my spy ware software, my antivirus, deleted everything I could delete. Ran every computer utility I could all to no avail. I then did the next best thing - called tech support. After 1 1/2 hours I was able again to log onto the Internet but was told I had embedded spy ware that had rewritten my operating system. The only solutions.....take it to a computer tech to have it professionally removed (translation - expensive) or reload Windows and wipe out my hard drive and start over. Well I didn't have Windows XP since our computer was bought rebuilt, so I found a restore disk I had made a year ago and decided to try that. I had the backup I made of the computer a from a few days before, and refreshed it with a couple of files I thought had been changed.

So here's the lesson I learned. When you make a backup, make sure you REALLY backed up everything. Unfortunately the school paper due the next day showed up MIA - let's just say that didn't go over very well but fortunately could be recreated with the help of a typist (me). I am also wondering what good anti-virus is if it doesn't block these stupid things. Oh and I can't run Internet Explorer still - it won't let me log into my email. So I run Firefox - which won't let me download the parental controls I have on the computer because it only works with Internet Explorer. Arggggghhhhhhh! So I guess I'll have to buy the disks to really wipe out my hard drive and start from scratch again......maybe I should wait until schools out so I don't lose any more papers.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Day - the difference between California and Texas

Today I voted in a historic election. I feel it is historic mainly because so many people are actually going to exercise their right to vote and not remain apathetic as in MANY past elections. As I voted today in my first presidential election in Texas, I grew nostalgic thinking of the differences between voting in California and now here in Texas.
  1. I miss the sample ballot. The one that has everything and everyone you are going to vote for in a handy booklet with your polling location. In Texas I had to download it from our local papers site and double check my polling location online.
  2. I miss the voter's information pamphlet. I know most people didn't read it - but I did. It helped to read about candidates and issues in an unbiased format. In Texas I researched everything online via the newspaper site (which may have been input with a bias). I diligently marked my printed voters sheet only to find that most of the candidates I researched I didn't vote for. Note for next year - look at the voters registration card.
  3. Voters registration card - have one here, no need in California
  4. I don't miss voting on endless propositions that are written to be as confusing as possible.
  5. I miss our voting place in California. It was held in one of the cleanest garages I had ever seen. They had one of those fake geese on their front porch dressed as Uncle Sam for the election. The church I voted at here was fine - but I miss the goose.
  6. I miss the voting sticker that say "I voted". A few years back San Diego decided to do away with the voting sticker for cost purposes, there was such an uproar that the stickers were brought back the next election. I miss the stickers - a slip of paper just doesn't do it.
  7. The best thing about voting in Texas though is that a winner won't be announced before I even head to the polls like in the Calfornia.

And now for a more personal opinion. In this election I have talked with many people who are voting in fear. Fear that if their candidate does not win, the apocalypse will certainly be at hand. While I certainly understand the basis for these concerns, and I am all for anything that helps people get out to vote, it comes to mind that Jesus walked the earth in a pretty decadent society and yet was able to share the good news of salvation in spite of it or perhaps because of it. The outcome of an election does not remove God from His throne. It will not take Him by surprise; He doesn't need polls. I was looking up verses today and came across this on this election day:

1 Peter 2:12-17 (Today's New International Version)
12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
13 Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of the foolish. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love your fellow believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

Today we should vote, we should pray for our nation and those in authority. But mostly I am reminded that my faith, trust and hope is in God - not in who wins an election.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My "Mum" and Me - the final chapter

It is amazing to me how I can head off to mum-making central, plan to do just a few things and a few hours slip by. This day I did not mind, because this day was to be mum assembly day!! I fastened my bear/mum creation to a cardboard backing using a pipe cleaner and hot glue. I then added "points" tiny bits of ribbon fashioned to make...well...points. (thankfully pre-done ready for me to just grab and staple) My first go round left gabs and so armed with my stapler I added more. Then it was time to finish! I learned a few things that day:
1. don't put anything fragile on a mum ribbon - it will break

2. a hot glue gun and a stapler are invaluable tools

3. it helps A LOT to have a kind hearted soul help a total novice with assembly

I stood in awe as ribbon upon ribbon was added to my paper backing - and shocked I needed more. We added my bear/point creation. Another paper backing. Lots of glue. Lots of staples. A strap to be worn over the shoulder so this mum of elaborate proportions does not rip a girls shirt. A felt back is added and more glue. When I stepped back I was quite proud of what my time and pounds of glue had created. More importantly it is jaw dropping big - a testament to all things Texas. I'm just glad she's not a short girl or it would be dragging the ground.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My "Mum" and Me - day two

I began day two of mum-making with a determined excitement, now that I "kind of" knew what I was doing. I staked out a table and began adding ribbon upon decorated ribbon to my creation. Each ribbon is then hung on a coat hanger via clothespin - an apparatus that brought me back to fond days of my youth hanging laundry (or maybe it was watching my mom hanging laundry) Anyways I digress. Seeking input and instruction I am told to add more layers, embellishments, balance out my colors and add more ribbon to give substance. I envision the poor girl walking around school hunched over from the sheer weight - but I press on. I glue on mini disco balls, feather boas, and a variety of shoe-type accessories. Mums are to be personalized and all I know is she enjoys dance, and so my solution is to add shoes. I envy those moms whose sons are bringing dates who are into sports - lots to choose from there. I was thrilled to find little flip flops to add a California touch to my collection.

I then moved on to bears. My son didn't want the cute little bear I had found in the bin (yes there is a bin of bears). He wanted a large bear and said he want to see what I could do with it. He cheered me on, bragging about my creativity. I succumb and choose a large bear and stare at it dumbfounded. Now what? I again turn to a friendly and helpful mom who shows me how I can dismember the large bear - cutting off head and limbs and stitching them closed before attaching them to the mum. So on Halloween night while waiting for trick-or-treaters, I grab my scissors and begin the process hoping that such a macabre scene will turn ultimately into something cute.

Here is the BEFORE and AFTER