Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Serendipitous Error

Sometimes a mistake is just the thing you need. Our church has been doing "Life Journals" - reading selected scriptures each day and journaling about what they say and how we can apply it to our lives. While the passage to be read was, according to the list, Luke 15 - the online journal listed 2 Peter 1:3-10. This "error" was the perfect passage for me today and I thought I'd share my journalings.

In view of these economic times when we/I tend to focus on what we don't have, or what we have less of, or what we can't afford, the passage in 2 Peter reminds us "God gives us everything we need". Not for our little wants and wishes, not to live a trouble free life of comfort - no God promises to give us everything we need to live a godly life. Everything. He gives us everything! Not some, a portion, a sampling - EVERYTHING.

Later the passage tells us that those who fail to grow (perhaps in the knowledge of this fact)
  • are "shortsighted" - not trusting for the future or things we can't see in the distance
  • are "blind" - not seeing the blessings right in front of us, He has given us now
  • "forget" - we need to remember that we have been cleansed, our sins are forgiven and we need to life our lives as forgiven children blessed by God and not wallow in past mistakes

I am thankful today that a "typo" brought about encouragement. I am more thankful that God has given me everything I need.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Houston Winter Wonderland - video

The final installment of our snow retrospective of 12.10.08. I would like to credit my kids for teaching me Windows Movie Maker which helped in the making of this video. It was fun to relive our wonderful snowy night. (By the way, in the video we show the temperature - the time is wrong as the clock broke long ago). Enjoy!

Friday, December 12, 2008

We interrupt these snow reports.....

Okay I promised that my next blog would be our snow video (that's on today's VERY LONG to-do list), but another really cool thing happened.
Yesterday I get a call from Kristal saying that the shuttle was flying over Clear Lake (as it was heading back from California). I called Robert who had seen it out his window. Unfortunately I couldn't see it and thought it had landed. When the kids got home they told me how it had flown over their school - apparently since the school already had a planned fire drill, the school coordinated it with the flyover so the entire student body could see it fly past. Many families in Clear Lake have a family member who work with the Space Program - they never get to see the actual shuttle since take offs and landings are in Florida (normally). It was a nice treat to look into the sky again for the second time this week and see something that makes you smile. By the way the photograph was taken by someone at Gateway who has an amazing camera!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

More Snow!

So for those who have grown up with snow all the hoopla seems a bit odd. But for our family this is a first - I've never had this happen at my own home so you'll have to indulge me for a few more blogs.

Here are a few more photos from last night - we shot over 100 including video. I also added a couple from this morning. Most of the snow is now melted. Apparently this was the earliest heavy snow on record. The last time it snowed this early was 45 years ago. Snow is fun!

Still to come - video. Also check out our family site (friends already know this to see more photos.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow in Houston - yee haw!

What started out as a VERY cold day with the high reaching a mere 38, turned into a winter wonderland. It started snowing about 5 p.m. We were excited with a little sleet - but then the snow came and continues to snow as I write this. For us former Californians this is a BIG deal - never had this in San Diego! In fact it was the first time most of our kids had ever seen it snow.

So we were outside most of tonight - taking pictures, shooting video, taking more pictures, playing, throwing small snowballs and of course building snowman. Check back on the blog soon as we will be uploading some video we shot. In the meantime....let it snow!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Surprising TV

The other night we were cruising the channels and came upon a talk show hosted by William Shatner. Well curiosity got the best of us and we watched - and were pleasantly surprised. While I cannot remember the channel or the name of the show (two things that could be a problem for the network televising it) I do remember the guests and the conversations. One show featured Valerie Bertonelli, and the other Tim Allen (yes we were hooked for two shows).

What surprised us was that the conversations were deep - it was not lighthearted or funny as I thought it might be before tuning in. The discussions and questions seemed to always go back to spiritual matters - heaven and hell, forgiveness, sin, divine intervention, consequences of actions. They were not questions or responses you would hear in church necessarily, but thoughts, ideas and questions from people on a journey. It amazed me how easily the conversation turned to such matters.

Then I realized I shouldn't be amazed. All of us are on a journey, and given the opportunity and right circumstance, I think people want to share their thoughts, ideas, questions and ponderings as they wrestle their way towards truth. In a society that is quick to judge, it reminds me to take time to listen, ask questions, and listen some more. I might be surprised by the conversations I have.

1 Peter 3:15 "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...."

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Even though Homecoming for Clear Lake was a few weeks ago,,,,,,and even though Clear Lake sadly lost their playoff game on Friday, it is still fun to look at Homecoming Texas style. Yes, this California native has never been to a football game this jammed packed. As I told my kids, when I was in high school we had to have our football games during the day for "safety". They say I went to high school in the "hood", I disagree. But I digress...... Clear Lake football did it right. Fans were spilling into the aisles - current students and alumni. The band, drill team and cheer leading squads were Texas-sized and of course we were surrounded by students wearing mums - it was a night to remember.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Reasons Why I Hate Computers (a continuing series)

Disclaimer: After reading this please do not email me about why I should buy a Mac. Yes, I know I would avoid all these headaches. But I also know all our computers are already PC's and Mac's are more expensive. So........

I hate Spy ware! Who has time to create these insidious computer invaders that wreak havoc on innocent people such as me? After about a month of our kids complaining about their computer running slow, receiving endless pop-ups and the computer freezing, I decided to look at the computer and find out what they were doing wrong. Then I ran into the problems myself. My home page when I logged on was always changing and I knew something was seriously wrong.

I ran all my spy ware software, my antivirus, deleted everything I could delete. Ran every computer utility I could all to no avail. I then did the next best thing - called tech support. After 1 1/2 hours I was able again to log onto the Internet but was told I had embedded spy ware that had rewritten my operating system. The only solutions.....take it to a computer tech to have it professionally removed (translation - expensive) or reload Windows and wipe out my hard drive and start over. Well I didn't have Windows XP since our computer was bought rebuilt, so I found a restore disk I had made a year ago and decided to try that. I had the backup I made of the computer a from a few days before, and refreshed it with a couple of files I thought had been changed.

So here's the lesson I learned. When you make a backup, make sure you REALLY backed up everything. Unfortunately the school paper due the next day showed up MIA - let's just say that didn't go over very well but fortunately could be recreated with the help of a typist (me). I am also wondering what good anti-virus is if it doesn't block these stupid things. Oh and I can't run Internet Explorer still - it won't let me log into my email. So I run Firefox - which won't let me download the parental controls I have on the computer because it only works with Internet Explorer. Arggggghhhhhhh! So I guess I'll have to buy the disks to really wipe out my hard drive and start from scratch again......maybe I should wait until schools out so I don't lose any more papers.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Day - the difference between California and Texas

Today I voted in a historic election. I feel it is historic mainly because so many people are actually going to exercise their right to vote and not remain apathetic as in MANY past elections. As I voted today in my first presidential election in Texas, I grew nostalgic thinking of the differences between voting in California and now here in Texas.
  1. I miss the sample ballot. The one that has everything and everyone you are going to vote for in a handy booklet with your polling location. In Texas I had to download it from our local papers site and double check my polling location online.
  2. I miss the voter's information pamphlet. I know most people didn't read it - but I did. It helped to read about candidates and issues in an unbiased format. In Texas I researched everything online via the newspaper site (which may have been input with a bias). I diligently marked my printed voters sheet only to find that most of the candidates I researched I didn't vote for. Note for next year - look at the voters registration card.
  3. Voters registration card - have one here, no need in California
  4. I don't miss voting on endless propositions that are written to be as confusing as possible.
  5. I miss our voting place in California. It was held in one of the cleanest garages I had ever seen. They had one of those fake geese on their front porch dressed as Uncle Sam for the election. The church I voted at here was fine - but I miss the goose.
  6. I miss the voting sticker that say "I voted". A few years back San Diego decided to do away with the voting sticker for cost purposes, there was such an uproar that the stickers were brought back the next election. I miss the stickers - a slip of paper just doesn't do it.
  7. The best thing about voting in Texas though is that a winner won't be announced before I even head to the polls like in the Calfornia.

And now for a more personal opinion. In this election I have talked with many people who are voting in fear. Fear that if their candidate does not win, the apocalypse will certainly be at hand. While I certainly understand the basis for these concerns, and I am all for anything that helps people get out to vote, it comes to mind that Jesus walked the earth in a pretty decadent society and yet was able to share the good news of salvation in spite of it or perhaps because of it. The outcome of an election does not remove God from His throne. It will not take Him by surprise; He doesn't need polls. I was looking up verses today and came across this on this election day:

1 Peter 2:12-17 (Today's New International Version)
12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
13 Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of the foolish. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love your fellow believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

Today we should vote, we should pray for our nation and those in authority. But mostly I am reminded that my faith, trust and hope is in God - not in who wins an election.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My "Mum" and Me - the final chapter

It is amazing to me how I can head off to mum-making central, plan to do just a few things and a few hours slip by. This day I did not mind, because this day was to be mum assembly day!! I fastened my bear/mum creation to a cardboard backing using a pipe cleaner and hot glue. I then added "points" tiny bits of ribbon fashioned to make...well...points. (thankfully pre-done ready for me to just grab and staple) My first go round left gabs and so armed with my stapler I added more. Then it was time to finish! I learned a few things that day:
1. don't put anything fragile on a mum ribbon - it will break

2. a hot glue gun and a stapler are invaluable tools

3. it helps A LOT to have a kind hearted soul help a total novice with assembly

I stood in awe as ribbon upon ribbon was added to my paper backing - and shocked I needed more. We added my bear/point creation. Another paper backing. Lots of glue. Lots of staples. A strap to be worn over the shoulder so this mum of elaborate proportions does not rip a girls shirt. A felt back is added and more glue. When I stepped back I was quite proud of what my time and pounds of glue had created. More importantly it is jaw dropping big - a testament to all things Texas. I'm just glad she's not a short girl or it would be dragging the ground.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My "Mum" and Me - day two

I began day two of mum-making with a determined excitement, now that I "kind of" knew what I was doing. I staked out a table and began adding ribbon upon decorated ribbon to my creation. Each ribbon is then hung on a coat hanger via clothespin - an apparatus that brought me back to fond days of my youth hanging laundry (or maybe it was watching my mom hanging laundry) Anyways I digress. Seeking input and instruction I am told to add more layers, embellishments, balance out my colors and add more ribbon to give substance. I envision the poor girl walking around school hunched over from the sheer weight - but I press on. I glue on mini disco balls, feather boas, and a variety of shoe-type accessories. Mums are to be personalized and all I know is she enjoys dance, and so my solution is to add shoes. I envy those moms whose sons are bringing dates who are into sports - lots to choose from there. I was thrilled to find little flip flops to add a California touch to my collection.

I then moved on to bears. My son didn't want the cute little bear I had found in the bin (yes there is a bin of bears). He wanted a large bear and said he want to see what I could do with it. He cheered me on, bragging about my creativity. I succumb and choose a large bear and stare at it dumbfounded. Now what? I again turn to a friendly and helpful mom who shows me how I can dismember the large bear - cutting off head and limbs and stitching them closed before attaching them to the mum. So on Halloween night while waiting for trick-or-treaters, I grab my scissors and begin the process hoping that such a macabre scene will turn ultimately into something cute.

Here is the BEFORE and AFTER

Friday, October 31, 2008

Is it a mum or a MUM!

It is fall. I love fall. The weather gets cooler in the morning and, if you're lucky enough to live in the south, it warms to the 70's during the day. The sky and clouds just seem crisper in the fall. When we lived in California, fall meant that I would buy potted chrysanthemums to have on our porch. The mums previously planted in our yard would be at full bloom announcing the end of summer. But that was California......

Now I am in Texas. It is fall and there are mums, but mums here have a different and a literally HUGE meaning. A mum in Texas is hard to describe except that it is a very large corsage of sorts made up of a large fake chrysanthemum, a bear, ribbon, glitter, and pretty much anything else you want to add to it. It is a Texas tradition for homecoming. Boy asks girl. Girl accepts. Boy's mom makes a monstrous mum. If the boy's mom has lived in California in her entire life....boy's mom panics.

Not being one to back down from a challenge, I headed off with son in tow to the craft store. Which, since we are in Texas, is equally huge. We find the "mum" section and soon realize we are in way over our heads and leave with only a few ribbons. I then remember a friend who talked about a "mum making" group - I called her and she invited me to join and even "mentor" me in the fine art of mum making. For those of you who aren't from Texas, I thought it would be fun to chronicle my mum making experience...


The mum group has grown to the point that they are now renting a room in a rec center for participants to drop by and make mums. It is filled with tables, ribbon and bins and boxes of embellishments. I realize it is like scrap booking but on ribbon - I am already feeling more relaxed. The women are wonderfully helpful and encouraging to a novice from California and assure me they will help me make a mum that will not be an embarrassment to my son, his date, or give any hint it was made by a Californian. I am skeptical but begin grabbing ribbon, glue and letters are am off. Here is what I have accomplished by day one...

Monday, October 20, 2008

"Hold onto the Good"

A phrase and theme has been resonating with me lately. I have been reading through Thessalonians in my Bible reading and came across a passage I just love 2:Thessalonians 5:12-24. One sentence just jumped out at me "Hold onto the good."

In the past month I have seen the good and the bad, and not necessarily in that order.
Fleeing from a hurricane - Bad
Finding your family and dog are pretty good at evacuating - Good
Seeing the devastation of Ike - Bad
Feeling overly blessed how unscathed our home was - Good
Having all our fences knocked down - Bad
Getting to meet neighbors who lived behind us - Good
Finding out your insurance won't cover your damages - Bad
Realizing you get to pay for it all yourself - Good?????

Sometimes bad and good flip order. A few weeks back I passed my Real Estate Exam - Good. Then in the afternoon a child (who shall remain nameless) ran into our remaining "iron" fence with our truck - Bad
Fence undamaged - Good
Truck - not so good
Celebratory dinner plans postponed - Bad
Learning to make a new kind of pizza with what we had in the house - Good
Having to the insurance company again for the 3rd time since May - Bad
Finding our deductible was lower than we thought - Good

So I have determined to "hold onto the good". It is VERY easy to sit down and dwell with the bad. I want to look for the good in situations and events and more importantly "hold on" to the ultimate good "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."

Seeing our minuscule retirement go down by 25% and counting - Bad
Clinging to God as my ultimate retirement plan - Good

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Last night we were completing our school parent function trifecta. The sophomore parent meeting - not to be confused with the senior parent meeting or open house which was earlier this week. (Oh and I didn't mention the college meeting on Saturday) We psyched ourselves up to attend and were impressed at how easy parking was. As we walked in the counselors greeted us and said they wished we could be given a prize for being first. As we sat there alone in the auditorium, I at first commented that I hoped this didn't mean the turn out would be poor. It then dawned on me that perhaps, just perhaps, I had the time wrong. I went and talked to one of the very eager counselors and was told indeed we had shown up 40 minutes early! Open House was at 6:30 - this event was at 7 p.m. Ugh!

Woody Allen said that 80% of success is just showing up. If you show up too early does that make you MORE successful?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall memories

It is October which means I pull out my Fall/Halloween box and begin to decorate the house. We have some traditions in our home. One is putting up (or in the case of my children - putting up with) decorations that were made in school many years ago. As I hung our large pumpkin paintings this year, I was amazed to realize that they are over 10 years old! I can still remember when these were carried home - almost the size of the child who painted them. Those budding artists have grown very tall now and yet looking at the artwork can transport us all back in time a bit. Each can still identify which skeleton is theirs, can recite a poem they learned or remembered writing their Halloween hiaku. Each decoration is a little time capsule of wonderful memories. Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy the decorations - or the thoughts and images they remind me of more.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Conversations Overheard....that I wish I hadn't

I pride myself on not eavesdropping, or sticking my nose into other's business. It is amazing though how much people are willing to share rather audibly in a public place. So I will add another installment to my continuing "things overheard series". Yesterday I was privileged to overhear two such conversations....

1. A doctor's office with my daughter for a dermatology appointment. Pretty routine. However the gentlemen standing behind us in the waiting room decided to respond to a question that I'm assuming was "how are you doing?" from another patient in rather graphic detail. Let's just say I now know more about open wounds and sores than I cared to ever know. Ewwwwww

2. Sitting at a meeting at a high school waiting for it to start. A group sits behind us with once again a simple question "how are you doing?" being asked. I now know the details of this woman's gall bladder and upcoming surgery AND prep work than necessary. Mercifully the meeting started before it became more graphic.

Note to the public: When someone asks you how you're doing, I'm gonna guess that 95% don't want to know the exact graphic details of everything (the other 5% being your doctor). Also, when you share, remember that there are people around you that can overhear EVERYTHING - please be discreet.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Another day another trip to the orthodontist and then taking another child to the doctor's later on. I have realized that I have been to the orthodontist 5 times in the last two weeks - another appointment next week. Sigh!

In the midst of all of this I am studying to take my Real Estate License Exam on Friday. Each appointment I trek my books to highlight and study; trying to cram so much information into my brain in the hope that some sticks. This has not been an easy task 1. because I am old of brain and 2. because I keep hearing reports about how bad the economy is and how real estate is going down into a black hole (perhaps I exaggerate). It is times like that when I wonder what in the world I am doing going for my license! It's when I hit those moments I remember what I saw the other day.

As I was coming home from being fingerprinted (another task on the way to licensing), I passed a business who had a sign that simply stated "Keep the Faith". As I smiled at the sign I noticed I just passed a corner with the sign "Wisdom Street". I need to remind myself that the trek I am on is because of an open door God allowed - I need to keep the faith and focus on God's wisdom and NOT the local news or economy forecasts.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A bit of normalcy

Today was a trip to Costco - I don't know why but I enjoy our trips going there. You can't escape the facts of the hurricane even in a trip like this. On our way we passed a convoy of National Guard trucks coming into town. At Costco lots of generators for sale and food cases stocked very full - I'm guessing they are anticipating as people's power goes on they will need to totally restock their refrigerators and freezers. In fact that is why we went. We never lost power, but we ate down almost everything in our chest freezer and needed to fill it up again.

It was an odd week - mixing the routine with the recovery mode. I now fill my days with calling and meeting with fence contractors. A friend suggested we contact FEMA about our fence since insurance won't cover it - that will be Monday's chore. The kids are getting ready to return to school Monday (that thought caused me to remind them to finish their homework after a long hiatus). I find that now when I enter an intersection where the lights work I am surprised!

Another odd thing this week. We were awaiting our weekly magazines we get to see how they covered hurricane Ike. We remembered the extensive coverage of Katrina. There was nothing. Not one word - oh I take that back one of them had a sentence. I am hoping this doesn't mean that the nation will forget hurricane victims of this year. There are still so many needs. The recovery is just beginning. If you would like to help visit - it is a volunteer group coordinating efforts of different churches to help with disaster relief (they helped with Katrina in Mississippi).

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The eye

Reading a newspaper article and hearing accounts of people who stayed during Ike, I learned that the eye of the storm went directly over us. What does that mean exactly? Well it means that we were hit with winds and rain - then given a break - and then more intense winds and rain. The reality of that is it could have been much worse. Our homes were given a brief break. The storm surge was not as great as if we had been east of the eye. With all of the destruction, we were protected from a fate much worse.

Today in our paper I read an editorial written by a high school senior. She wrote about how Ike had disrupted her life - not because her home sustained any damage, but because now all her college applications, scholarships and AP prep time was off schedule. Her eyes were on herself and her worldview was very myopic.

It was a reminder that we need to look up to keep our eyes off of ourselves - and see the greater needs of those around us.

Monday, September 22, 2008

What is normal?

At church yesterday someone was quoted as saying "normal is only a setting on your washing machine". I am tending to agree as I wait for life to get back to normal and realize any semblance of whatever that was will be for a time far off in the future. This is how our week's new "normal" has started.

A trip to the orthodontist and realizing how many people do not understand how to proceed at a four-way stop. Many intersections don't have power or have street lights dangling, missing, or pushed by the wind facing the wrong direction now. The phrase "defensive driving" is a reality anytime we hit the streets.

Taking the dog for a walk is an adventure. Fencing and branches litter sidewalks. Trees, leaves and branches block walking paths. Walking in the street with drivers that seem a bit more agitated isn't a very smart option.

Met with the insurance inspector and learned the lesson I learned long ago - insurance is never what you need it to be. Our fences (our largest expense) are not covered and the damage we had from water coming through our roof (because of the last delay from insurance) will most likely have its own large deductible. Translation - we're on our own for all our repairs. Fortunately, even as I write this, I have roofers putting on a new roof which was damaged last May!

School is out again this week as some schools had major damage. For many school age children "normal" will mean going to a new school in a new area. Evacuating to new homes/apartments/hotels, means new districts they live in and must attend school. Students in schools that were too damaged will also be moved. "Normal" will mean being the new kid next week, new classes, new teachers and your friend group shattered. For some it may mean attending a new high school your senior year. Pray for those students and their families.

With Kristal's condo she's renting now growing mold the reality that she will be with us for a while is evident. Her management company is waiting for their adjust to come and assess damage - then work can be scheduled to begin. I doubt there are enough skilled laborers to do all the work that Houston has ahead of it. We're thankful we have a house large enough for 7, but we know that she would love her independence and her own place soon.

Another thing I have noticed is some new emotions. Unjustified guilt - the images of those who lost everything, homes, businesses, still have no power can make you feel like you're doing something wrong for just going about your day. Unjustified urgency that I should be doing more - there are so many, many people who need help it is easy to feel that you are personally not doing enough. I have to remind myself daily that God is not about guilt but conviction. I am called to take care of my family and their needs and to look for and make every opportunity to help those He brings in my path. As I can, I will reach out to help through our church work crews etc - but it will never be enough. I have also battled some feelings of disgust for those who live in debris strewn streets and have chosen to move their trash to a green belt or across the street to a vacant area so their lawns will look nice. I continually need to put all these emotions to prayer to keep a healthy perspective.

So that is my Monday - I have a dog by my feet under a table because of the roofers. It's nice to know he feels safe by me.

Here is a link to some amazing photos of Ike's aftermath

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blessed be the Name of the Lord

Yesterday Robert and the girls worked at a women's home not 5 minutes from us. Her home had been flooded - all of her possessions now sat in piles on her curb. Our church along with others are out in the community helping. Gathering this morning for our first service after the storm, this song almost brought me to tears. The words rang so true and real in a community recovering after Ike.....

Blessed Be Your Name
by Matt Redman
- - -
Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ike - One week later

It is hard to believe that a week ago we were fixated on our computer watching Ike bear down on Houston and praying, quite honestly, that it would just go away. The anticipated storm surge and flooding did not reach our neighborhood. The fact that I feel so blessed and thankful that our damage was minimal in comparison to others is kind of a quandary. Does this mean that those who lost their homes and suffered damage are not blessed and do not have a reason to be thankful? I guess it is a reminder that stuff is stuff that we are not to store up here on earth, and we are to look for God's blessings regardless of circumstance daily.
Our church is still without power and my act of service was my first "tagging" job spray painting the sign. We have still been blessed with cooler than normal weather and pray that it will hold true through services on Sunday. We also received the all clear on our water and can now drink from the faucet. Our neighborhood is back to full power as of last night. About half of Houston is still without power though.
I am still trying to put the house back together - a task that is taking me much longer than I anticipated. The nerves of everyone seem a bit frayed. We have not returned to life as normal now that we house seven. School isn't starting until September 29th because of damage to the schools - I know everyone is anxious about going back and wondering if this means two weeks longer to the school year.
And so we start a new week.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What day is it?

Today I am exhausted. I find I need to check a calendar or newspaper to remember what day of the week it is. We continue to be under a boil water advisory - so we are using all that bottled water I had hoarded. Today we had a bit of normalcy..... trip to the orthodontist with the girls. Having to sign the financial papers for Heather's second phase seemed a bit of bad timing - but a necessity I know for their office.

Yesterday I was on the phone with our insurance adjuster - one of many I will speak to I am sure. Although I had initially had difficulty getting through, they held true to their promise to call back in 24 hours. That was the good news. The bad news is that fences are not covered by our policy. The other bad news is that our deductible is "per incidence". Since we already had an "incident" from the Mother's day hail storm this was not welcome news. The adjuster said that if they can "relate" our water damage to the roof needing replacing from the hailstorm that deductible will be met. In the short term we just wait for the inspector to look at the house, they send in a report, then another adjuster will go over it with me. I think it would be foolish to pray that AAA out of the goodness of their hearts would cover fences after all. In the meantime, Robert is trying to figure out how hard it would be to install a fence.

Our church is still without power and sustained significant water damage. Can't tell much more until the lights go on. We will be having a service on Sunday - Robert is off buying plywood so we can make a sign to display in front of the church to communicate that. CORE (which helped in Katrina relief) is up and running again joining together churches. We have teams that meet at the church every morning at 8:30 to go out and help. I think that will change to every Saturday morning as people go back to work. I guess some outside groups are now beginning to come and help - there is so much to do. We are still thankful to have power. There is a rumor in our area that full power might not be restored for 3-4 more weeks. Generator sales are brisk.

And the true answer to prayer - it is still cool here. All our windows are open. The over 10,000 electrical workers do not have to battle Houston heat and humidity and people without power are not sweltering. Truly a blessing.

More photos

Realized that the photos I posted before were after Andrew had done a lot of clean up. Here are some he took when he just got to our house. Below is Kristal's condo (lower left) As you can see the damage to the chimney's above her.

Wednesday - I think

Last night we ended our day of hard work with a fire in our fire pit roasting marshmallows using our fence as firewood.

Today if you look in our backyard it would be hard to tell there was a hurricane (except for the propped up fences). A drive around the area though leaves no doubt that a hurricane came through. Most grocery stores are beginning to open in our area though some of the supplies are limited I hear. A few gas stations are opening too as power is being restored. We drove past a couple with no lines. It is amazing that people up north Houston and in our area don't have power, the estimate for some is first part of October.

I have been very impressed with how Houston has handled themselves during this recovery. Where FEMA hit glitches the city and city governments have stepped in. Neighbors are helping neighbors. We headed over to a friends house to clear their yard since they are still out of town only to find their neighbors had cleared and bagged the debris already. Our church still does not have power but is sending teams to help people. We know of a few members personally who have lost their homes. Kristal is still without power and we are thankful that the only loss she has suffered so far is all her food in the refrigerator.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Home at last

We are home and I have to admit it is a bit surreal. The drive from San Antonio had quite a bit of traffic. Gas became harder to find the closer to Houston we came. One town actually had their exit blocked so no one could get off the freeway to get gas (a little selfish I thought). Fortunately we arrived back home with a half tank of gas.
Aside from a few missing shingles, all our fences down and lots of debris, we are VERY blessed.
The fence you see in the distance isn't ours, it is across and green belt and is our neighbors. Ours is flat on the ground. When you consider only 27% of all of Houston had power and our street (or at least part of it) was a portion of that it is amazing. We have already provided freezer space to a neighbor and some ice. We plan to make our internet available tomorrow to whoever needs it.

I will try to send more pictures as time allows. It is hard to capture what it is like. Trees snapped. You can tell a hurricane went through - there is no doubt. Kristal will be living with us for a while as she cannot live in her condo. Her upstairs neighbor's fireplace collapsed and it sent soot and some water into her unit. Water came through her glass doors, but the smart girl had put towels in front of them which were soaked, but protected her floor. We will clean out what we can tomorrow so she doesn't get any mold on her stuff. She said she passed many apartments that were much, much worse. Carports collapsed, brick exteriors down. There is so, so much work to be done.

The blessing - we have no fences. We have talked with all our neighbors, meeting some for the first time. We will be reading our insurance policy and hoping that what they say isn't true - that each insurance incidence has a deductible.....we just paid it to repair hail damage from Mother's day. Sigh. That is something for tomorrow.

So continue to pray. For energy for all the clean-up for ourselves and to help others as we can. Praise God for cool (yes cool) weather and low humidity - unheard of here - but a great blessing to work outside.

Monday morning - a new week...

Well this is the plan for today. We verified that we have power - one of the very few in Houston. Answered prayer? I think so. Andrew went home last night for the first time since the evacuation - I imagine he will be sleeping all day - he confirmed we have power. He didn't mention any gaping holes, so I am going to assume our roof is intact.

So we are stocking up on some groceries and bought some for a friend who is already back and running low. We have heard where to fill up for gas before it becomes scarce. Robert had the foresight to fill up our truck, which we left, with gas. So we should be good for a week or more. If we didn't loose power for long, we should have plenty of food in our chest freezer. We are seeing images of people in long lines for ice, food and gas. I almost feel guilty that we have power. Our plan is to get ourselves settled and then open our home to any neighbors who need to power up phones, hand out some ice and anything else we can do.

Our church this morning was planning to work out of our parking lot starting this morning to help with recovery efforts. From what I understand the church does not have power so they are coordinating what they can using generators. Supplies of food and ice are just now being distributed - so many people are in need - I would say most of Houston.

I do not know if we will have internet when we return. So this may be my last blog for awhile. I spoke with Verizon yesterday and they have replaced many cell towers with temporary generator run towers to keep service up. We have have charged up as many things as we can in case we lose power. The blessing is that a cool front came in - people can open their windows in September and get cool air - that is unheard of in such a hot and humid place!

Keep Houston, Galveston and the other communities in your prayers. Just because some of you will not see it on the first story of the news every night does not mean everything is fine. This will take so much work it is unfathomable.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good news!

Robert's generator hunt came up short - the Home Depot here had sold out. We were a bit discouraged. Then a friend had posted on her Facebook that she was glad to be home and had power. She doesn't live far from us so I asked he she would go to our house and bring a small lamp and plug it into one of our outdoor outlets. We have power!!!!!!!

It is raining in Houston today and we are all a little tired and cranky to make a long trip so our plan is to leave sometime tomorrow morning. Of course when we get back we have no guarantees we will have internet - so regular posts are iffy. We will get word out somehow though.

Continue to pray for the thousands who have no power and are living in Houston without air conditioning. Praise God that an unheard of cold front is coming into Texas in September. What a blessing for all.

Sunday morning - Sept 14

Saw this puzzle yesterday at a store. Someone had put a piece of paper on it depicting the hurricane.
Didn't sleep well last night. My mind started going through a few realities of the impact on us regardless of if we have damage - Kristal (and many hourly employees like her) has been without pay since evacuation and won't be paid until her work opens again. My heart started thinking of those in Galveston who don't when if ever they can return to work. I am not sure when I will be returning to work. Can't imagine the real estate business being very brisk anytime soon. I know that God has always provided for our family in amazing ways - and He has not ceased being God in all this so I shall expect nothing less.

Today I woke up with a killer headache so cancelled plans to take up some one's offer to have us for lunch. Robert is off pricing generators in case we don't have power. If we don't have power they say it might be weeks. This hotel room seems to be getting smaller and we all just want to go home. We are SO thankful for it though as we see images of families as large as ours having to spend all their time in a shelter, sleeping on cots.

Some have asked if we received any of the affects of the storm. Nope. San Antonio stayed sunny - and hot throughout. Today is cloudy. Hearing about rains in Houston make us hope our roof did not sustain any damage. The rains also delay our return as some roads not flooded by the hurricane are now flooding some. We all wish we were there.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Photo update

Hello from San Antonio Residence Inn, temporary home for the Sherrills

I know if you have been following Ike you have been innudated with images of damage. Since many of our family and friends are keeping up with us using this blog, I thought I would send some photos of the Sherrill family in San Antonio. This is our temporary home. It's small but we are fairing pretty well for a family of six in closed quarters. School is going to be closed all week - the kids of course now realize that might mean a longer school year. Not sure when we will return. But now for the photos....(and I apologize - I haven't figured out how to put captions or layout the pictures like I would like. So for reference we have photos of the hotel, Riverwalk, a park we take the dog to everyday and pictures of relief after we found out our home is okay)

Best Text Message Ever!

Received a text from a friend saying he went by our house and it looked fine except for our fence. Later in the afternoon, Heather received a call from her friend who lives around the corner. She walked around our house and said it looked good but our fences were down - in fact the entire neighborhoods fences are down. She saw some of my plants had blown over and propped them back up. Simple gestures like that are very touching.

Staying Connected

The age of technology is wonderful that we can access local pictures and video feed even though we are hundreds of miles away. If any of you want to see more local information, here are some sites we have gone to (quality and loading speed varies from site to site) off to the right of the screen click live feed click the top of the screen for the live feed click right at the top on the banner is the local paper - visit the Sci Guy blog for excellent information

Here is a link a friend sent me of pictures taken by people in the area that they have sent in

For those checking my blog from out of state who may be hearing news and wondering where we are in relation to what is being reported. If you hear the words Clear Lake, Johnson Space Center that is our area. Kemah, Seabrook and Nasauu Bay are close as well but closer to the water than we are.

Right now - I am going to rest for a bit before we head out to a mall and get away from technology. Sometimes you need to take a break. I will try to post pictures of the family in San Antonio later tonight so you can see we are well.


"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. HE cares for those who trust in Him". Nahum 1:7

News of hope. Heather talked to a friend who's family rode out the storm and live around the corner from us. There was no flood damage in Brookwood. Power is spotty. Watching the Weather Channel and seeing that NASA road one is driveable. All good signs.

Robert was in the breakfast area of our hotel talking and finding people who were also evacuated. Some from our area. He was able to share with them the news we had heard. He said you could see relief begin to come over people's faces.

Will keep you posted

Saturday morning -

Last night I actually had the best night's sleep in days. Turned off the TV around 11 and just went to bed. I did see one story about Houston's Mayor Bill White and a councilman going into Clear Lake to see if most people evacuated. They were told that a few apartment complexes had not evacuated. They went door to door to encourage them to leave and found that there were three major factors why they didn't leave: language barriers, not having a car reliable enough to drive out, and having no means to get out. They brought in three buses and were able to evacuate them. It just magnified the problem when disaster strikes that the poor and helpless suffer. They don't have some money saved for a hotel, or friends and family to shelter them. It is why God calls us to minister to the hopeless and the helpless. It made me thankful.

Today I was determined to get up and not watch the news first thing. So I took the dog out and then went to breakfast with the girls in the hotel. When I walked into the breakfast area the TV was on and it went to a live feed from a local Houston news station. That's went I broke into tears and had to leave. Not that I was overwhelmed by the images - it just came out of nowhere. I'm feeling better now - think I've been holding it in for a while.

We have a network of friends who are all going to share information as we hear it. It was good to see a report on The Weather Channel right on Clear Lake that they were not under water. We heard of someone that road out the storm not far from us that there is power. Our church has cancelled services Sunday and asking anyone (as of yesterday at least) to meet in the morning with work gloves, chain saws and anything else to come prepared to work. If you want to track our church's efforts visit

Not sure what the day holds yet. Will try to update later

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday night

It feels like we've been here days. I feel wiped out. In a way I am glad that Ike is finally making landfall so we will know what we are in for (wow that sounded negative).

Today we tried to not watch too much TV or computer feed. We were having problems with our Internet connection, but it has improved now (I take that back our feed keeps breaking up). So tonight we are monitoring the storm. One report was from the Hilton in Clear Lake - that is the hotel we stayed at when we candidated at Gateway. This hotel is not far from our house. It was good to see that there was still power. Looked very windy though and the water is rising on Clear Lake.

Today to get away from things we went to a park so Rocky could run around. He had a blast. The park was empty so we let him off leash and he could just run. We came back to our room for lunch and then spent the afternoon at the Riverwalk and gave Kristal her first tour of the Alamo. Tonight I made a dinner in our very little kitchen. It was Hamburger Helper and watermelon - but it tasted great and felt good to sit down at a table (or at least half of us could). Tonight Eric and Robert are burning off steam working out in the exercise room. Rocky must be feeling insecure he has now laid under our coffee table and is laying his head on my foot.

Thank you for your prayers.

Friday morning - a new day of anticipation

We had a fairly restful night. Thoughts of course back in Houston. Our hotel is near the airport - so hearing planes early didn't help. It is strange now that I realize that hurricanes have always happened, but not until I moved to the Gulf coast have I understood the impact. As a Californian I grew used to seeing some video, watching The Weather Channel and looking for Jim Cantore and didn't give it much thought. Now I realize it affects thousands and thousands of people. We are blessed to be able to have found and afford a hotel. Many people are leaving hoping to find something. Their children are just as worried as mine, but instead have to find solace in a shelter. Many evacuated on buses - unable to bring all the photos and such that we packed in our cars. My prayers are with them.

Other things to consider when you think of Houston. Many refineries are there - lots of oil. This means barges of oil in the Port of Houston. Galveston has two major hospitals that had to be evacuated UTMB and a Children's Hospital. There is also the Shriner's Burn Institute. The Texas Medical Center in Houston has number one ranked hospitals. People travel from across the country and around the world for care there. These families already in crisis are having to brace for this storm as well.

So in all that I say be praying for us - but also for all those families. Lives will be disrupted and yet I know without a doubt God is still on his throne. He is with us and I can feel His peace and the prayers of others - otherwise I'd be freaking out right now!

I am listening to the news right now via The just said that the Coast Guard cannot rescue a stranded freighter in the Gulf with 22 on board. Pray for their safety.

Today we are going to try to have some fun and get away from the TV and go to the River Walk for awhile. I don't think it was a coincidence that last Sunday's service was titled "Underpressure" about choosing joy in situations. The powerful testimony of a young family was shared. As they were expecting their first child a few years ago, the dad was in a horrendous motocross accident. They did not expect him to live. Their child was born while he was in a coma. They told her that if he recovers he will most likely not remember her or walk. AND YET there they were in the front row - still recovering from his injuries, but walking, able to talk, and with his family. I will keep that lesson in my heart today.

And with all that the kids are asking when we can go home - I don't know.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

And now we know

Today is Thursday, September 11th. We have now evacuated to San Antonio staying at a Residence Inn there (MUCH, MUCH better than last evacuation). How did we end up here? Well....

Last night we started the evening very carefully watching Ike. No evacuation orders had been given. We were going to play it by ear, but began getting the house ready for the storm - putting away everything outside, moving photos and important items upstairs - bagging them in plastic, moving things away from windows. This morning we woke up early about 7 a.m. to find that the storm had turned and mandatory evacuations were called for our area (they do it by zip code). The expected storm surge - if nothing changed as of that moment - would be 18 feet. We are in a storm surge area. Winds were expected at 100+ mph. So we woke the kids up and told them to pack their stuff and we were evacuating.

I am still waiting to see what clothes I actually brought - don't remember packing much. We did pack up items from the refrigerator and freezer to bring with us (kitchen here) along with other food and stuff the dog would need. We left our house around 8:45 a.m. anticipating a potentially long drive to San Antonio.

Fortunately everyone in Houston was abiding by the order to only be on freeways if you were ordered to evacuated. Everyone else is suppose to "hunker down". We only ran into a little bit a slowing and maintained full speed all the way in. On the way we saw many,many buses, ambulances, and taxis heading toward Houston to help with the evacuation for those who can't leave on their own. My prayers are with those anxious people right now.

We were blessed by having our hotel room ready though we arrived early. They even waived the fee for pets since we were evacuating. The staff here has been very accomodating for us. So now we have our computers hooked up to the wireless. Robert is watching the live video feed from and I am sending updates. As for the kids, two are playing Wii, one is watching TV and one is on the phone.

I will try to update to let you know how we're doing and what we've heard.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Still Don't Know

We are waiting to hear what the news says tonight with Ike. So far there are no mandatory evacuations for our area. The schools are closed tomorrow and Friday - but NASA hasn't closed at all (which affects Kristal) so maybe they know something we don't. All that to say is we are getting the house ready in case we have a lot of wind and rain - stay or not. I'm tired.

I don't know!!!!

Yes that is my response in regards to Ike - are we leaving....I don't know. Should we stay.... I don't know. We at least have a place to go - the idea of driving (and packing) is not my idea of fun. Nor is the idea of spending money on gas and hotel for who knows how many days. Schools are cancelled Friday. So I imagine we will debrief tonight and look at the infamous "models" and decide what we shall do. Keep checking the blog and I will try to keep it up to date.

Cautious optimism

Well it's Wednesday. I am wondering what I will do with all the extra time when I don't feel the need to continually check hurricane tracks. Right now it "looks" like Ike will hit south of us. There is some talk that we will get the "dirty side" of the storm. For a native San Diegan I really have no clue what in the world it means. In the meantime I haven't cancelled our reservations yet - hopefully can do that with a confident heart later today and free up hotel space for some family that will really need it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Not Again...

It is hard enough to start a week without having to watch the Gulf. This is a phrase totally unused by me a few years ago "watching the Gulf". It is what we do now anytime there is a hurricane.

There was an article recently talking about "hurricane fatigue". If coastal residents are weary and becoming complacent because of too many hurricane warnings. I have to say I am tired of it - but each "watch" prompts me to secure a hotel - just in case (this time I was a bit later and it took quite a while to find a hotel to house all of us). It also helps me relook at our plan and realize if its going to happen with such frequency I should just make a check list. "Hurricane entering Gulf - do this, this and this". I am fatigued - but it is more of a brain drain - it is hard for me to focus on plans for the immediate future when such a large "what if" looms within the span of a few days.

And so we prepare for Ike. The hotel is ready in San Antonio. The water and batteries are still here, leftover from Gustav. We check the internet throughout the day to see if we are out of the dreaded "cone of uncertainty". They say it is highly unusual for a hurricane to enter the Gulf after the end of September - I can't wait for the month to end!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Here in Houston it is a beautiful morning. A few wispy clouds with just a slight breeze. It is hard to imagine that to the east of us Louisiana just had a hurricane come ashore. Right now I am the only one up - even made carmel rolls for breakfast (easiest recipie ever!). It sort of feels like we need to celebrate our relief. Today looks to be a normal day - but I can't help but think of those families waiting anxiously in shelters and hotel rooms waiting for the storm to pass.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday afternoon

From all reports it seems Gustav will miss us. Sadly it will still come ashore disrupting peoples' lives. We have cancelled our hotel reservations - and took a break from monitoring it by going bowling. Much more fun than evacuating!

Sunday update

I find myself checking the computer frequently to track Gustav.

From my expert opinion and interpretation of tracking chart (which is not much). It looks like the hurricane has sped up and shifted east. We are barely in the tropical storm warning area - which means we will get rain and not the high winds or storm surge. No one from the area is being ordered to evacuate - though the cities seem very prepared should the storm take a dramatic shift. Everyone is going about things quite normally, but with an air of caution.

Right now I am praying for the people of Louisiana and Mississippi - I cannot imagine the anxiety they must be feeling evacuating again. So many have barely begun to rebuild. Some were just regaining hope. There was a story on the news of a single dad and his child planning to move back to New Orleans this weekend. He needed to be out of his apartment by Friday in Houston. His home was being rebuilt in New Orleans. He was at a loss of what to do. I think of him and the thousands of stories like his - where they don't know what to do and pray that God will open doors of welcome, peace and protection for them.

For us - we will just monitor our computer today. Maybe begin bringing in a few items should rains be heavy, and think of something fun to do other than worry about hurricanes.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend - OR Gustav is coming!

When we lived in San Diego our biggest concern for Labor Day weekend was if it was going to be too hot, or the weather a little "too dry", what we should BarBQ and if we had all our school supplies ready. Our first labor day in Houston was spent sweating in the back of a tractor trailer handing out supplies to Katrina victims. Once of the most worthwhile weekends of my life. Three years later we are watching the Gulf again, seeing if Gustav will make up its mind.

Since moving here I adapted the philosophy that before panicking, see how the natives are handling it. With Rita - they panicked. With Gustav - not much is happening. Maybe more people buying gas for fear the oil companies will find an excuse to raise prices. Some here are preparing their homes and work for a hurricane -mainly because they are leaving town for the weekend and won't be able to come back in time to make any necessary preparations.

What are we doing? Well we did book a hotel. Last time we were burned by booking the only hotel available that (key words here) "looked nice on the Internet", only to find it next to a double freeway with roadkill on the way to the pool. Our room then was so small would couldn't open the door once the foldaway bed was put up - the word "deathtrap" kind of came to mind. So this time - waaaayyyy before I needed to I booked a room that would accommodate us, Kristal, her boyfriend if needed, and our dog. I will hope we don't have to use it because rooms that size are not cheap - but worth it if you need it.

Today I am going to try to find my insurance policy and continue to video the house room by room for the records. Every time there is a storm I say I need it - I figured I might as well do it! So that's it - if anything changes I will keep you posted.

These are some websites to check out for yourself that we use:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Customer Service?

So I'm at Target, armed with my list for school supplies. The shelves look like I just missed either a Tornado, or the best sale ever! To my dismay I find all but a few items and head off to check out.

I'm greeted by an OVERLY friendly associate (OFA) who quickly starts processing my order. The women in line behind me spots my composition notebook and asks where I found it. I told her it was the last one and was about to give her a suggestion of where she could find it when:

OFA: "Oh, if you haven't found it, good luck. Maybe in two weeks if you're lucky stores will restock"

Trying to help the now shell shocked woman. I suggest she try Kroger's or CVS Pharmacy who often carry supplies. Cheerfully interrupted again:

OFA: "Nope, you're not gonna find it there. I worked at CVS last year at this time and they had nothing. All the school supplies were gone. Maybe if you can find some out of the way small grocery store they MAY have some, but probably not"

With this I kept silent and gave a sympathetic smile to my line mate. So as I traveled to Office Depot, Michaels, HEB and CVS Pharmacy for my other errands and saw stacks of composition notebooks, I wished I had the woman's cell phone to give her the heads up. It also made me realize that "helpful advise" that is discouraging, is no help at all....even if you're cheerful.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesdays with Edouard

A thought about Tropical Storm Edouard: It's name is very hard to pronounce. Everyone reporting on the news pauses so they can say it right. One website stating its closure even spelled it wrong. Note to National Hurricane Center - pick names easy to pronounce and spell.

Fortunately it did not turn into a hurricane and the storm moved a little more East than it was predicted. Good news for us. Today it is just a very rainy windy day. Most businesses are closed today so it feels like a Saturday. Everyone is staying inside. At our house it is currently 77 degrees 63% humidity (shouldn't it be 100% if its raining?) 6 mph wind (Robert just knocked our wind gauge which was registering 0 - so not sure if the wind reading is right)

So today is consisting of watching the news. Doing stuff on the laptop. There is a Risk game going on in the dining room and I spent about 45 minutes putting my new rain gauge together (my old one blew into the pool during the Mother's Day storm and for some reason stopped working). So I am happy to report that since 10:47 a.m. we have received .12 inch of rain. We have emptied the pool already a few times, so we are guessing we've had 2-3 inches since it started raining about 6 a.m. this morning