Thursday, December 20, 2007

Adventures with Uruguay

It started out as it always seems to, a school project for a child. This time my son needing to make a food from Uruguay (who thinks of these projects?). Thankfully we live in the Internet age and he found a recipe we had all the ingredients for. A simple tortilla like bread needing to be cooked in hot oil.

The instructions were vague, but we felt we would have no problem. That was our first mistake ("our" because no mother in their right mind would allow the son work with hot oil). Being from California and not frying anything in hot oil, I soon learned that it melts plastic utensils. Since our oil now had plastic in it we switched to another pot. Still no luck producing anything edible, then the finish seemed to be boiling off the inside of my pot onto our Uruguayan dish. I wrote a passionate letter to his teacher explaining our dilemma and was ready to call it a night.

My son however was off on the Internet again. So at 9 p.m. we had produced some rather delicious meatballs. We also learned a valuable lesson. It doesn't really matter if you have all the ingredients, if the instructions are bad.

In an epiphany I realized my experience was kind of like life. We may have all the abilities and ingredients for a successful life, but without good instructions we make a mess of it. I'm so glad God provided the best instruction book of all.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

An Easy Life vs. Reality

When life goes smoothly we take things for granted. We smile at our to-do list as things systematically get checked off. Life goes by easily, just as we planned, and we are able to enjoy and savor each day. I have no idea if that is really true -I am afterall a parent!

Yes the past few weeks I did have plans - a party, some baking, Christmas shopping, Christmas cards, readying the house for Christmas. The reality was helping gather supplies for school projects, three trips to the orthodontist for broken brackets (another trip next week), the stomach flu, and a broken washing machine. Not exactly a wild, fun, invigorating time to savor.

But I will savor it. This week we put a package in the mail to friends who lost their home in the fires. A fun animated Christmas decoration. Their home used to have many of them. They are gone. We wanted to help them start new.

I can be thankful for having a washing machine that can break, friends that I should send cards to, orthodonture for my kids, and projects that need helping with. My life would be so dull and predictable without them. The stomach flu? Yeah, not so thankful for that - but it did allow me to rest!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Life's Surprises

We didn't think it could be done. Three out of four of our children knew of the surprise - and the fourth was the person to be surprised. There were close calls, but everyone kept their lips sealed.

What better way to celebrate our daughter's 25th birthday than with flying in her boyfriend. She even accomodated by running errands (some provided by us). She walked in the door totally surprised and to our amazement began backing out of the door. Sometimes your body just doesn't know what to do when you're in shock. So much for those Hollywood movies where people are surprised by a visit and run towards each other - not our girl.

Surprises are fun, not only for the person being surprised but for everyone involved. There is something exhilerating about keeping a secret and being part of a surprise.

May this season bring many happy surprises.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Calling "shotgun". I'm not sure which household this originated in. It is probably centuries old....or at least as old as the shotgun. In my household it is alive and well. Without fail if more than one child is to accompany me, the chaos of "I call shotgun" begins. Trying to keep order I came up with the system "oldest child gets shotgun". This of course becomes problematic with twins and birth order. Everyone seems to feel they are entitled to the front seat position.

The concept of entitlement, "I am special and can do what I want" became very visual on a recent shopping trip. We were not the brave souls who woke up at dawn to stand in line for bargains the day after Thanksgiving - but we were brave enough to venture out after breakfast. As we entered Kohl's I was shocked to see someone wheeling in a Toys R' Us shopping cart passed me and charge into the store. More than once we had to pin ourselves against a display so a rogue shopping cart could maneuver past. For some reason these people decided the the Kohl's shopping carts weren't good enough them (even though they are made to FIT in the aisles), no they had to have a Target or Toys R' Us shopping cart. They needed big. They were entitled to big, no matter how crowded and uncomfortable it made shopping for everyone else.

Perhaps these people always got to ride shotgun - hard to say. Wouldn't it be nice if the only thing people felt entitled to was humility and a gracious and giving spirit. That is a dream. For my part, I will try to be less entitled, more gracious, and train at least four children (no matter how exhausting) that riding shotgun isn't always the best.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I could hardly believe my eyes, $65 in text messages. We are archaic parents who do not believe in the text messaging. We believe that if two people want to communicate, maybe they should try talking - in person or on the phone. After many exorbitant bills we had just blocked one child's phone from text messages, now another one has gone bad. It is amazing the high cost to stay connected.

In the "old days", if you moved you communicated by a large long distance bill or wrote letters. (Pieces of paper, placed in items called envelopes that required stamps). It is much easier to stay connected now. I am so thankful we moved to Texas in the age of technology. We are able to read the local paper and watch local news via the Internet - even when "local" means half way across the country. Through e-mail I have connected with people in Colorado, Oregon, Illinois, California and Guam just this week.

I marvel at the fact that I can have a friend share a concern, prayer request, problem and I can respond almost instantaneously. I don't have to worry if they're not home, or the time difference. I can write and connect. Connections make far away friends and family seem closer.

In a way we are catching up to God. He has always had the best technology. We pray - instantly He hears us. We're connected. We feel his closeness. I'm thankful for connections.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Time moves too quickly....

Time moves much too quickly. In fact I planned to write this blog three days ago. Where does the time go?

I was thinking that thought on Halloween. It was a noteworthy day for our family. It was the first time I can remember no Sherrill children donned costumes and went trick-or-treating. Though our son tried to rally some friends to venture out - no one was home, and thus our streak ended. There was no rush to finish dinner, no last minute costume crisis, no sifting through sack fulls of candy to make sure it was safe, no secret stash to occasionally "visit" during the week. We had a good run, with many great costumes: clowns, 50's girls (that skirt lasted years), a hippy (wearing MY dress....also lasting years), a scientist, a tourist complete with white socks and camera, and the alien abduction costume which will go down in history as the all time best. I have photos of all these - somewhere, in a box, waiting to be organized and scrap booked.

I smiled as we were overrun on Halloween by trick-or-treaters: a two foot Yoda, Dorothy and Toto too, princesses and pumpkins. There were camera flashes as parents took pictures on our doorstep, posing their costumed kids with the inflatable Snoopy we had on our porch.

Perhaps I should have spoken to them to enjoy and savor the night. To remind them that time slips away quickly. Or at least to print and file away their pictures so they can find them if they should become nostalgic and sentimental.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

You Can't Burn Memories

It's inconceivable to believe that Mark and Brenda's home is gone. All that is standing of the home is their fireplace. I have many happy memories in their home. Annually sitting on the fireplace during many a middle school volunteer Christmas party. Usually it was blocked by the many white elephant gifts we were to exchange. I remember the time Suzanne mistook a fuzzy steering wheel cover for a headband. The year Ian brought the box of plastic doll hands. We always, always made sure we hid at least one of the gifts in their house for them to find later. It was a wonderful tradition. I cannot remember laughing harder than in their home.

Though confusing at first the way to their home eventually became very natural. I remember the "one" time we tried to take the church shuttle there and got lost. I remember Kimber and Kelsey strategically placed on the street with lanterns and flashlights to guide our way.

The most important thing I remember about their home is their hospitality, warmth and evident love for God. They always made you feel at home and very important.

The fire has destroyed their home. All the nooks and crannies where we hid the white elephant gifts are gone. The fire cannot take away the memories - of which there are many.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thoughts on the San Diego Fires

There are some memories you can't get out of your head. The memory of the 2003 Cedar fire and its devastation. The uncertainty when evacuating. The thick smoke everywhere. The smell. Returning home to see how close the fire came. I remember vividly the week following with ash everywhere - every new wind blowing it up and making your heart stop wondering if another fire had started. Our kids wondering if the air would be clear enough to trick-or-treat. It was the largest in California's history. We were comforted with the thought that surely this would never happen again and destroy so many homes.

Now four years later we are in Houston. We watch on the internet eerily similar scenes. Talking with family and remembering those feelings of the sheer overwhelming magnitude of it all. Many more homes destroyed. Thankfully, fewer lives lost. We feel the hearbreak of hearing a friends home burnt to the ground and wish we were there to give a hug.

I don't know what it feels like to lose everything. I do know the anticipation of wondering if there is a home to return to when we evacuated from Rita. I also know the amazing way people can meet other's needs in times of crisis as we saw here in Houston during Katrina.

Memories, even tragic ones, shape us and mold us into who God created us to be. Catastrophic events can help us focus on what is really important - people. Things can be replaced. Memories and people are irreplaceable. Hang in there San Diego - you have great people and a greater God.

Monday, October 15, 2007

My First Day Back to Work

After four years of semi retirement, I am returning to the work force. Once again I did not need to actively search for this job. I have never had to look for a job. A phone call from a friend needing help in his realty office - voila, I'm employed.

So today was my first day - sort of. I started the day feeling another sinus infection coming on - no worry I can do this. Child #3 sounds like he has the makings of a cold. I feel his head and give him over the counter medications and send him and all the kids off to school hoping it was the right decision.

Since I'm up early to get three high schoolers off, I attempt to do all I normally do in the morning. So far so good. Then child #4 calls from school. She fell the day before and now has trouble sitting or walking. I call the office to say I'll be late. I retrieve said child and call the doctor to schedule an appointment hopefully for the afternoon. After about 10 phone calls - all with no answer - I resolve to drive to the doctor's assuming thier phones are out. Another call to my new employer saying I'll be just a bit later. I arrive at the doctor's to find not only the phones but the power is off. Fortunately I find the nurses and the doctor standing outside the office. They are rescheduling all appointments to the afternoon, but feel child #4 should be seen - if I can bring her soon. Off I go to fetch the patient. Another call to my "employer", tomorrow will be my first day.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Life's Little(?) Surprises

Saturday was an extremely busy day. Our activities ranged from teaching at a marriage conference in the morning to bowling for 2 hours with a group a junior highers in the afternoon. We decided rather than go home and feed the kids another thrown together meal of either quesadillas or nachos, we would splurge and pick up dinner on the way home.

We went to KFC and ordered a vaule meal that was on special. The cashier handed us our receipt. As I was putting the receipt away she says "oh and here's your cup for your drink". This was not your ordinary cup. This was a gargantuan cup of mammoth proportions. The word "cup" didn't even seem to fit it. Maybe the word "pitcher" or "bucket". We asked for clarification as we reread the sign and saw no mention of a drink. She insisted it was included and so I wrapped my hands around it and began to fill, and fill, and fill our cup. In fact we received our meal while I was still filling it. The fact that a "cup" had a carrying handle still amazes me.

Sometimes life surprises you with little things that make you smile in the midst of your day. Sometimes the little things can be quite large as if to make sure you don't miss the point. During this week, look for some little surprises.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ready for Anything

In life we must be ready for anything. I was sitting mentally preparing to speak before the largest crowd I have ever spoken to. I was wearing a microphone I was not accustomed to and felt a little Janet Jackson-like (for lack of a better visual image) with it fitting over my ear. I worried that the fact I had chosen to eat with it on and inadvertently jammed portions of my sandwich into it would affect the sound quality. I was prayerfully going over the program in my head, checking off the items that preceded my introduction. “I go on after the second drama”, “I go on after the second drama” I kept repeating to myself. So I was relaxed after one drama and then somewhat shocked to hear my name and what sounded very much like a introduction! What happened to the second drama? Yikes! Oh well, I guess I was heading on stage.

Sometimes we think we have life all figured out. We check off the list of what is “supposed to happen” in our life’s plan. Many times things don’t happen in the order we plan and we need to be prepared for what life brings us.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

While You're Young

My sister and her husband just left after a wonderful visit. While she was here she gave some fun insights to my daughters that I thought I would pass on....

While You're Young

1. Wear horizontal stripes - they will not be your friend when you're older
2. If you can do a split - keep yourself limber as you get older
3. Try foods you don't like occasionally to see if your tastes change
4. Get involved - Have fun

I'm sure there were others ..... I know there were others.....but my brain is old and I've already forgotten them. Hopefully, my kids haven't.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Pales in comparison

My last post I was anxiously awaiting our cell phone delivery the next day. Wednesday's schedule was cleared to await our next day delivery only to find it was sent "2-day". Sure why not! In the great scheme of things its only a cell phone. This week brought a reminder of the tragedy of September 11th, a tropical storm quickly turned to hurricane Humberto disrupting people's lives. I lost two days waiting for delivery of a cell phone. In comparison, its not that big a deal.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First Blog - Customer Service

So here I am on my very first blog. You would think a mother of four with three kids in high school would have something better to do with her time than start a blog. But hey it’s trendy! I am drawn to the things we can learn from everyday life experiences, love writing about them and have been told “you should have a blog”. Blame those people.

So what is my life experience today? Two words….customer service.

Even as I am typing this, I am on hold with yet another “customer service representative” regarding a cell phone. This is a follow-up call to a previous call made over a week ago. A call I spent over an hour and a half talking with a representative about a problem. I was assured the issue was resolved and brought to a wonderful outcome. An apology and the phone we desired to be provided free – as it should have been. End of story. Happy ending. Just wait 5 to 7 days as promised.

Day 8 – nothing. Called “customer service” to find out when the phone was shipped and when I can expect it. Oh “we have no record”. No notation. Nothing. “We could give it to you for $79.99” ( a far cry from free). So here I am again on the phone. First customer service, then phone orders, then customer loyalty program, now to a supervisor. More hours of my life wasted and withering away while listening to a very bubbly automated person talking endlessly while I’m on hold.

Ahhhh if this were the only company I’m dealing with. Our TV is also broken – call customer service. Two service calls later, hanging around waiting for them to come “sometime in the morning”. Second service call Friday - Oops wrong part, we’ll order it. My phone call on Monday to see if the part is received with the cheery response “we’re ordering that later today”. As if the fact that they didn’t order right away on Friday but were eager to order it “later today” was a good thing. Sigh!

I guess for my first blog this is a little cranky. Then again I’m sitting at home with a broken TV and still on hold!

(imagine an hour and 15 minute time lapse here)

Victory! Persistence and staying calm pays off with the “new” ordered phone to arrive tomorrow. We’ll see.